Being a concerned mother of nearly four, I do care about the wellness of my family and the toxins in my home. But this concern has taken different action over the past years. When I had my first baby, I gave cleaning products a great deal of thought and tried to make as many as I could using earth friendly ingredients and recipes I found online. Then, after the arrival of my second baby, I needed convenience and so I tried some of the green cleaners found at health food stores. They were expensive so at times I had to just use the chemicals that choke you from the cleaning aisles of grocery stores. And finally, after my third baby, I needed maximum convenience and minimum price. So I started to use Clorox wipes, among other things. (I have to be honest, even though I hate to admit it! J
Unfortunately, I was doing more harm than good. A friend of mine suggested I watch Toxic Brew, a news segment produced by a Canadian news station. After watching this video, the reality of what I was bringing into my home began to dawn on me!
Only a month or so later, I heard of the work of Dr. Doris Rapp, who researches the effects of harmful chemicals on children’s health. (You can find her books, including Is This Your Child’s World? at
In one of her studies, she tested the effect of bleach on six-year-old’s handwriting. I looked at the printed results, and was amazed at the evidence. Before a bottle of bleach was opened, students wrote their names fairly well. Then, with just an opened bottle of bleach in the room and the fumes wafting through the air, the children wrote their names dramatically different. Some wrote messy, some too small to read, and one even wrote backwards.
Being the devil’s advocate that I am, I thought: “Well, they just printed up the worst case scenarios. Certainly it wouldn’t affect my kids this way.” So, I determined to do the same test at home. I didn’t tell my kids what I was doing. I only told them to write as neatly as they could. They printed their names on a sheet of paper. Then, I told them to hold up their papers while I wiped the table off with a Clorox wipe. As soon as it was dry enough, I had them put their papers down and write their names again. I was shocked! My daughter’s writing was visibly messier; instead of letters being tight and connected, they were loopy and crooked. My son was completely distracted by something while he was writing his name! (This is uncharacteristic of him. He has no attention difficulties.) When he realized that he was talking about something else, he stopped mid-sentence and said: “Wait, I’m supposed to be writing my name!?” The next letter he wrote was upside-down (which my son had never done before). I took it to the next level and had my children move to another room where there were no Clorox fumes. They wrote their names again and proved that without being ‘under the influence’ they could write just as neat as the first time. I could clearly see that the chemicals were affecting both writing ability and focus.
My children are home-schooled and we do chores every morning before school starts. Since they have direct exposure to cleaners, I was burdened by thoughts of how the cleaning chemicals were affecting them in other ways. To make a long story shorter, I promised myself from that time on that I would not subject my children’s minds to danger again, not to mention their lungs and skin.
And I am very pleased with the alternatives that Shaklee offers! The Get Clean products are very powerful, environmentally friendly, cost-effective cleaning products that contain no toxic chemicals and no dangerous fumes! What more was I looking for? I have totally clean, residue-free dishes; totally clean, irritation-free clothes; and totally clean, fume-free chore time! I LOVE IT and I want to spread the word so that every mom can give her children the priceless gift of a toxin-free home!
--Amy K. Jefferson, GA
Start Today @
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Get Clean Testimonial: Home Schooling Mom’s Journey of Discovery
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:29 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
How Toxic is Your Average Laundry Detergent?
Typical laundry detergents may be imparting more on your clothing than a “fresh” scent. Most contain a toxic slew of chemicals that leave residues behind on your clothing that can potentially be absorbed by your skin or evaporated into the air for you to breathe in.Most laundry detergents in your typical grocery store contain:
Petroleum distillates (aka napthas), which have been linked to cancer
Phenols, which can cause toxicity throughout the entire body
Artificial fragrances, which have been linked to various toxic effects on fish and mammals
Phosphates, which stimulate the growth of certain marine plants when they’re released into the environment and contribute to unbalanced ecosystems
Optical brighteners, which can be toxic to fish and can cause bacterial mutations and allergic reactions
If you pay attention to labels, you’ll find that many household products -- from lipstick to paint to shampoo -- contain potentially toxic chemicals. Over time, these toxins can build up in your system and cause any number of unknown effects.What can you do? Seek out natural laundry detergents, cleaning products and toiletries from your local health food store (or use items you already have around your house, like vinegar, baking soda, salt and lemon juice), and next time you’re ready to do some housecleaning.
Shaklee offers a natural, non-toxic and safe chemical free cleaning product line for your entire home and business. As well as Natural Mineral Cosmetics, Natural Hair Care Products, Sports Nutrition, General Nutrition and Supplementation, Childrens Nutrition and Much More
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:36 PM
Those "Natural" Soft Drinks -- Are They Really?
It never ceases to amaze me, the junk that companies sell today under the guise of being "healthy." A few days ago, on a trip to my local supermarket, I found just a couple of examples that absolutely shocked me.
First of all, I've got this lovely bottle. It's beautiful. Isn't it? It's a gorgeous color, lovely green top, with beautiful yellow coloring. It's got a picture of a couple out enjoying a view over a lake; it looks really nice and peaceful.
Oh, and it's got green tea in it. Now, that's pretty good. Isn't it? That's very good for you. "Gold Peak Iced Tea - Green tea with other natural flavors." That sounds good. Doesn't it?
Well, let's read the ingredients. "Water." That's a good start. "High fructose corn syrup." Ick!! That's not so good. Well, it's got "natural green tea concentrate." I don't know about you, but if I'm going to drink green tea, I think I'd rather drink the real thing than a concentrate. That's like the difference between drinking freshly-squeezed orange juice and orange juice from concentrate. If you've ever compared the two, well --- Revolting! So, that's our first one. That's delightful, and actually, that's probably the best one out of the three.
This next one is brilliant. "Rx-Stress." So, this is actually a prescription drink for stress! Perfect! Who isn't stressed? We all need this drink! Wonderful! "Herbal Iced Tea." Mmmmm!! "A soothing blend of naturally-decaffeinated black and green teas, with Panax ginseng, chamomile, valerian and vitamins B6 and B12." Wow! That sounds really good. I think I'll buy that.
Oh, hang on. I think I'll check the ingredients first. Agh! That's hilarious! It's got five lines of ingredients, and the first two are taken up with: "Premium brewed, decaffeinated black and green teas, using filtered water." Ooh, that sounds really nice. It almost makes up for the high fructose corn syrup that comes second. Okay. I don't think I'll get that one either. Ech!! Disgusting!
This one is my absolute favorite! This is absolutely hilarious. This is Diet Coke, plus vitamins! That's wonderful! I mean, who wouldn't want Diet Coke, all the goodness of Diet Coke, with vitamins? How could you possibly go wrong? I don't even need to read the ingredients on this one. This is just absolutely hilarious.
So, really, there's a word that sums all of this up: Marketing. These companies want you to buy their products. So they're going to use words like, "natural," "soothing," "healing," to make you buy the product without reading the ingredients on the back, and that really is the lesson here. Before you buy any kind of store-bought drink, or food for that matter, especially if it's got the words, "natural," or "soothing," or "healing" on the front, make sure that you always read the ingredients. Because even the health benefits that would be obtained from the black and the green teas found in a couple of these bottles are instantly cancelled out by the high fructose corn syrup, which definitely, obviously, isn't good for you. So, make sure that you always read the ingredients before you buy any kind of drink from your supermarket.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:27 PM
Pepsi's Aquafina Bottled Water is Tap Water
PepsiCo Inc. will spell out that its Aquafina bottled water is made with tap water, a concession to the growing environmental and political opposition to the bottled water industry. According to Corporate Accountability International, a U.S. watchdog group, the world's No. 2 beverage company will include the words "public water source" on Aquafina labels.
Sun Sentinel July 27, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:26 PM
More Fish Oil, Less Vegetable Oil, Better for Your Health
Including more fish oil than vegetable oil in your diet may help protect your tissues and organs from inflammation, according to University of Michigan researchers. In your body, both fish oil and vegetable oil are converted into chemicals called prostanoids. Though these compounds help to control blood pressure and prevent allergies, when produced in excess they increase inflammation, pain, swelling, and redness in body tissues.The researchers found that prostanoids from fish oil and vegetable oil are not the same. Those made from fish oil are “less effective at causing pain and swelling than those made from vegetable oil,” researchers said.Meanwhile, adding fish oil to your diet effectively decreases the amount of prostanoids made from vegetable oil, though sometimes in unexpected amounts.In the study, researchers looked at the effects of both fish oil and vegetable oil in cultured cells. Both oils are converted into prostanoids by cyclo-oxygenases (COX) enzymes, types 1 and 2.In reactions that involved COX-1, if more fish oil was present it bound to COX-1 preferentially and limited vegetable oil’s access to the enzymes. However, in reactions involving COX-2, an increased amount of fish oil did not change the binding process, so more vegetable oil was converted to prostanoids.The findings suggest that the body naturally regulates levels of prostanoids produced by fish and vegetable oils, but the researchers are still investigating exactly why COX-1 and COX-2 act differently. They hope that, upon further investigation, they will be able to design new anti-inflammatory drugs that will bind to COX-2 and decrease the levels of prostanoids from vegetable oils.
Worlds Finest Fish Oil is Shaklee Omega Guard!
Shaklee is the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the United States.
The Omega Guard can be found at
Journal of Biological Chemistry August 3, 2007, Vol. 282, Issue 31, 22254-22266
Science Blog July 27, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:21 PM
Medicare Plan Boosts Statins and Other Expensive Drugs
The catastrophic Medicare prescription drug bill that was passed in 2003 included a provision called the Part D program, which, as of 2006, granted prescription drug coverage to the elderly.The bill was strongly backed by drug makers in 2003 -- who spent at least $135 million lobbying for the bill -- and it’s no wonder why.The new prescription drug program has boosted the use of expensive name-brand drugs like statins and ulcer medications, according to an analysis. Specifically, the program increased sales of cholesterol-lowering statins by 7 percent, and sales of ulcer and heartburn drugs (proton pump inhibitors) by 5 percent.In all, Part D beneficiaries filled about 486 million prescriptions -- or 15 percent of all retail prescriptions -- in 2006.While the pharmaceutical companies are busy counting their money, the United States’ budget is about to bust. This Medicare bill was initially projected to cost $400 billion over a 10-year period, but more recent estimates put the real costs closer to $1.5 TRILLION.My best prescription for beating these alarming numbers? Instead of relying on Medicare, get healthy as soon as you can by living a natural, healthy lifestyle.
Reuters July 31, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:20 PM
The Truth About Tap Water
In the USA, tap water is more often than not harmful, because most of the time it is laced with fluoride. Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste. As one commenter noted, the U.S. public has been made to believe that fluoride is good…well I wanted to put some more resources here for us all to get re-educated.
Too Much Truth July 24, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:18 PM
Are Genetically Modified Foods Causing an Allergy Epidemic?
One of the more vexing medical mysteries to have surfaced in recent years is the startling and inexplicable rise in food allergies currently being seen in the western world. As medical offices and emergency rooms increasingly fill with adults and children suffering reactions to common foods, researchers are scratching their heads over the cause. Some in the scientific community, however, believe the alarming increase in food allergies can be traced to the public’s growing exposure to genetically modified foods.
The Non-Toxic Times Newsletter July 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:17 PM
Even "Healthy" Juices Damage Children’s Teeth
Children's teeth are being damaged by "healthy" fruit juices, a dentists' group has warned. Organic juices which combine sugar and fruit are the worst culprits for eroding the teeth, say the dentists.
BBC News August 2, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:16 PM
Antibiotic Misuse Creating "Superbugs"
Widespread misuse of antibiotics is fuelling the spread of aggressive and potentially fatal superbugs in Australian hospitals, experts warn.
Statistics released by a national body which monitors drug use show that one in four people continue to believe that antibiotics are effective against common colds.
The Daily Telegraph August 1, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:14 PM
U.S. Life Expectancy Lags Behind 41 Other Nations
Americans are living longer than ever, but not as long as people in 41 other countries.
For decades, the United States has been slipping in international rankings of life expectancy, as other countries improve health care, nutrition and lifestyles.
Countries that surpass the U.S. include Japan and most of Europe, as well as Jordan, Guam and the Cayman Islands.
USA Today August 11, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:12 PM
500 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists And Environmentalists Call for an End to Fluoridation
In a statement released recently, over 600 professionals are urging Congress to stop water fluoridation until Congressional hearings are conducted. They cite new scientific evidence that fluoridation, long promoted to fight tooth decay, is ineffective and has serious health risks.Signers include a Nobel Prize winner, three members of the prestigious 2006 National Research Council (NRC) panel that reported on fluoride's toxicology, two officers in the Union representing professionals at EPA headquarters, the President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, and hundreds of medical, dental, academic, scientific and environmental professionals, worldwide
Medical News Today August 10, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:12 PM
Can Coconut Oil Be Used to Fight Fungal Infections?
The emergence of antimicrobial resistance, coupled with the availability of fewer antifungal agents with fungicidal actions, prompted a study designed to determine the effectiveness of virgin coconut oil as an antifungal agent.
Journal of Medicinal Food June 2007; 10(2): 384-387
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:10 PM
Drugs That Raise "Good" Cholesterol are Worthless
With 40 percent of all heart attacks and related cardiovascular problems occurring in people who have low levels of so-called “good” cholesterol, researchers have long sought medications to increase the amount of this type of cholesterol in the body’s circulation.
But a new review of 31 randomized controlled trials published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that so far, only modest evidence supports the use of most medications to raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) “good” cholesterol. Some are even harmful.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:08 PM
Plain Soap is as Effective as Antibacterial Soap, but Without the Risk
Antibacterial soaps show no health benefits over plain soaps and, in fact, may render some common antibiotics less effective, says a University of Michigan public health professor.
In the first known comprehensive analysis of whether antibacterial soaps work better than plain soaps, Allison Aiello of the U-M School of Public Health and her team found that washing hands with an antibacterial soap was no more effective in preventing infectious illness than plain soap. Moreover, antibacterial soaps at formulations sold to the public do not remove any more bacteria from the hands during washing than plain soaps.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:06 PM
Man's Heart Stops After Red Bull Overdose
A man whose heart stopped after he consumed eight Red Bull energy drinks in five hours has called for an overhaul of the product's warning labels.
Matthew Penbross, 28, collapsed after downing the popular drinks, each containing 80 milligrams of caffeine.
The Sydney Morning Herald August 19, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:04 PM
Lack of Sunshine Causes 600,000 Cancers a Year
A new study looking at the relationship between vitamin D serum levels and the risk of colon and breast cancer across the globe has estimated the number of cases of cancer that could be prevented each year if vitamin D3 levels met the target proposed by researchers.
Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H., cancer prevention specialist at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and colleagues estimate that 250,000 cases of colorectal cancer and 350,000 cases of breast cancer could be prevented worldwide by increasing intake of vitamin D3, particularly in countries north of the equator. Vitamin D3 is available through diet, supplements and exposure of the skin to sunlight.
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology March 2007; 103(3-5):708-11Eurekalert August 21, 2007Daily Mail August 23, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:03 PM
Fluoride in Southern California Tap Water Puts 64,000 Kids at Risk
In the four years since the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) decided to add fluoride to the tap water of millions of Californians, the American Dental Association (ADA), scientists at Harvard University, and the prestigious National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of Sciences have all raised serious concerns about the safety of fluoridated water for infants and young children. This steady stream of science represents a growing consensus within the mainstream public health and dental community that the health risks of fluoride in tap water may substantially outweigh the modest dental benefits of tap water fluoridation.
Environmental Working Group August 20, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:01 PM
Yet More Evidence of the Link Between High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes
Researchers have found new evidence that soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may contribute to the development of diabetes, particularly in children. In a laboratory study of commonly consumed carbonated beverages, the scientists found that drinks containing the syrup had high levels of reactive compounds that have been shown by others to have the potential to trigger cell and tissue damage that could cause the disease, which is at epidemic levels. They reported here today at the 234th national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Eurekalert August 23, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:59 PM
Doctors Often Write Off Patient Side Effect Concerns
When patients feel they might be having an adverse drug effect, doctors will very often dismiss their concerns, a new study shows.
In a survey of 650 patients, taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins, who reported having adverse drug reactions, many said their physicians denied that the drug could be connected to their symptoms, Dr. Beatrice A. Golomb of the University of California at San Diego and her colleagues found.
Reuters August 28, 2007
Washington Post August 28, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:57 PM
Rapid Rise in Bipolar Diagnoses Among U.S. Youth
The number of young Americans diagnosed with bipolar disorder has risen dramatically in recent years, according to a new study.
This increase highlights the need for "reliability studies" to determine the accuracy of diagnoses of child and adolescent bipolar disorder, conclude the researchers in a report in the latest issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Reuters September 3, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:55 PM
Global Warming and Your Heart Health
Global warming may be melting glaciers and forcing polar bears onto land, but doctors warn it could also affect your heart.
"If it really is a few degrees warmer in the next 50 years, we could definitely have more cardiovascular disease," said Dr. Karin Schenck-Gustafsson, of the department of cardiology at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.
ABC News September 5, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:53 PM
Suicide Rate Soars for Girls -- What's Going On?
The suicide rate among preteen and young teen girls spiked 76 percent, a disturbing sign that federal health officials say they can't fully explain.
For all young people between ages 10 to 24, the suicide rate rose 8 percent from 2003 to 2004 -- the biggest single-year bump in 15 years -- in what one official called "a dramatic and huge increase."
The biggest increase -- about 76 percent -- was in the suicide rate for 10- to 14-year-old girls. There were 94 suicides in that age group in 2004, compared to 56 in 2003. The rate is still low -- fewer than one per 100,000 population.
Yahoo News September 6, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:52 PM
Schoolchildren Fed Pesticide-Laden Fruit and Vegetables?
Scientists found traces of pesticides in 70 percent of samples of free fruit and vegetables destined for schoolchildren, it was revealed yesterday.
The annual report of the Pesticide Residues Committee, which advises the government, showed that overall more than a third of food and drink products tested in the UK last year contained chemical traces, and 1.7 percent -- 60 samples of the 3,562 surveyed -- had residues above the legally permitted limits.
Guardian Unlimited September 11, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:48 PM
Virtually All U.S. Doctors Accept Money, Freebies from Drug Companies
Despite efforts to curb drug companies' avid courting of doctors, the industry is working harder than ever to influence what medicines they prescribe, sending out sales representatives with greater frequency and plying physicians with gifts, meals and consulting fees, according to several new papers.
One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last week found that 94 percent of doctors have some type of relationship with the drug industry -- most commonly accepting free food or drug samples, which about 80 percent of physicians did. More than one-third of the 1,662 physicians who responded to a survey conducted from November 2003 to June 2004 reported being reimbursed by the drug industry for costs of going to professional meetings or continuing medical education, and 28 percent said they had been paid for consulting, giving lectures or signing up patients for clinical trials.
Washington Post April 28, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:48 PM
Good News! High Fructose Corn Syrup Blacklisted More by Food & Beverage Makers
High fructose corn syrup is increasingly being blacklisted by food and beverage manufacturers as they attempt to market products that are perceived as 'better-for-you', says Datamonitor.The market researcher today released figures from its Productscan Online database that reveal a "recent and dramatic" growth in new foods and beverages claiming to be free of the sweetener. September 13, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:47 PM
Find Out the True Cause of Diabetes in This Exclusive Interview With the Authors of Infectious Diabetes
I have followed Doug Kaufmann for years now, have read all his books and can honestly say he has nailed it down, I highly recommend the book Infectious Diabetes, by Doug Kaufmann and David Holland, M.D., if you or someone you love is confronting diabetes, if you have a family history of the disease, and for all medical practitioners. Infectious Diabetes details cutting-edge methods to combat one of the world’s most devastating illnesses--diabetes.
While many Americans view diabetes as a genetic disease, the purpose of Infectious Diabetes is to dispel this belief and change the way Americans view diabetes. As stated by Kaufmann, "Every year millions of people with weight problems develop diabetes but millions more with the same problems do not. We felt it was time to stop blaming genetics as the deciding factor and time to find some real answers."
And answers are exactly what you’ll get with Infectious Diabetes. The premise behind the book is that, contrary to being a genetic disease, diabetes is actually caused by microbes and toxins in the foods we eat.
The following is from an e-interview we recently had with Doug Kaufmann and David Holland, M.D.:
What compelled you to write Infectious Diabetes?
Dr. Dave: We've seen an overwhelming number of hypotheses that have emerged over the years, all of which attempt to explain the etiology of diabetes. These theories come out right smack in the face of an alarming increase in the number of diabetics in the world, indicating that these explanations are just what they are--theories and not answers. This compelled us to put on paper what we've found in the medical literature regarding the documented link between fungal toxins, called mycotoxins ("myco" means fungus), and this epidemic we know of as diabetes.
Doug: Thirty years ago I began helping people with symptoms of unknown etiology. I did this because of the success I had with my numerous symptoms after coming home from Vietnam. Whereas several prescriptive drugs did nothing but offer me short-term relief, a changed diet made all the difference in the world. At that time, I followed a diet very much like the one outlined in our current books.
Having cured my own symptoms by changing my diet, I began to discover that doctors knew very little about not only diet, but also the cause of most diseases. While working in many different clinical settings with physicians, I began to simply ask these patients to change their diets and try either prescriptive or non-prescriptive antifungal treatments. The rest, as they say, is history!
What do you hope to achieve with its message?
Dr. Dave: We would like to offer a sense of hope to the person with Type 2 diabetes. In most instances, once a person is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, they are generally told that they will be on medications for the rest of their lives. This could be true in the sense that medications do little to reverse the cause of the disease and seek only to minimize the signs, i.e., hyperglycemia. If the medications never address the cause, the cure will never be achieved.
It is amazing to read how a person with diabetes will still suffer kidney, heart, eye and nerve damage in a third of the cases where excellent blood sugar levels have been maintained over a long period of time. That's like saying you have a 30 percent chance of dying from cirrhosis even though you quit drinking alcohol years ago! The point is, there is another factor besides sugar alone that is involved in the cause of both diabetes and its complications, and it involves the documented exposure of humans to fungal mycotoxins in our grain-based food supply.
Also, a person with Type 1 diabetes may be offered some hope when they learn that some researchers were able to halt the onset of Type 1 diabetes by using an antifungal drug within four months of the onset of the disease. Realize that the onset of the disease may precede the actual diagnosis by a doctor, so it is important to investigate any strange, new symptoms, as outlined in the book, as early on as possible. Once Type 1 diabetes is present for longer than about four months in a child, the disease is permanent. Knowing that a cure may be possible for this disease can save many people from a lot of needless suffering.
Doug: I remain stunned at the hesitancy of American physicians to try harmless antifungal approaches for anything but vaginal yeast. The purpose of this book is to instruct physicans--and more importantly the lay public--on the well-documented etiology of fluctuating blood sugar levels. Do we really believe that "biggie sizing" our sugar-laced meals has no effect on our blood glucose levels? Shame on healers who don't understand the diet-symptom link!
Who should read this book and why?
Dr. Dave: Anyone who has diabetes or has a loved one with diabetes should read this book. Likewise, anyone with heart disease, high cholesterol or high triglycerides, high blood pressure, kidney disease resulting from diabetes, pregnancy-related diabetes, metabolic syndrome (or insulin resistance), or hypoglycemia. Once we touched on diabetes, we felt we must offer the link between the so-called "accoutrements" of diabetes, as well as the other blood sugar-related problems of hypoglycemia, pregnancy-related diabetes, and fungus.
All of these folks should read the book because, again, it offers what we feel is the solution to their problem as well as the hope that they may not have to be burdened with this disease forever. There is a "fungal exposure" questionnaire in our book that can help you identify your risk of present or past encounters with fungi or mycotoxins, and if you are able to relate positively with many of these questions, you may try out our antifungal program, outlined in the book. If you find yourself responding favorably to the antifungal program (which includes a particular diet), then, in retrospect, you’ve verified your diagnosis.
Some people find that they actually feel worse once they start the diet, and then improve as they continue on the program. To us, this reaction, often termed a "die-off" or Herxheimer reaction, is only further proof that what the person has is a fungal condition. Incidentally, blood tests for deep-seated fungal infections are sorely inadequate, and blood tests for fungal mycotoxins, outside of the research laboratory, are nearly non-existent. Therefore, a favorable response to an antifungal program is perhaps the next best way to confirm a fungal condition.
Doug: Diabetes affects most people in the United States, either actively (they have diabetes) or passively (a loved one suffers with diabetes). The interesting thing about this book is its ability to bridge gaps in our understanding of autoimmune disease. Today there are about 90 autoimmune diseases, yet medical science acknowledges that researchers do not know the cause of any one of them.
While following the advice in this book, certainly many people will notice declines in their blood sugar levels. What's most exciting are the reports we get that their arthritis, allergies and chronic stomach problems also improve. Breakthrough or common sense? In other words, if all of the seemingly "unrelated" symptoms were cured by following an antifungal regime, was there really an autoimmune disease in the first place, or were the symptoms merely caused by exposure to fungi and their mycotoxins?
If you could name one thing that people with diabetes should know, what would it be?
Dr. Dave: Fungi make things. They spit out these chemical mycotoxins as readily as we exhale carbon dioxide. These toxins can cause cancer, destroy our organs, alter our immune system, and affect our hormonal balance. There are mycotoxins that laboratory scientists can inject into animals and cause them to have both Type 1 diabetes and insulin resistance. That information alone is enough to make front-page headlines, yet in which newspaper have you seen this discovery boldly displayed?
In addition (going beyond the "one thing"), fungi cause infections in our body that can often mimic other diseases, such as bacterial or viral infections, and even cancer. Understand that the God-given job of fungi is to break things down. The only thing separating us from the grave at this very moment is our immune system. People with diabetes classically have a suppressed immune system.
It is well known, for example, that fungal infections are more common in people with diabetes. This is often attributed to the sugar being "toxic" to their bodies and interfering with their normal ability to fight off such infections. This theory is partially correct. What is not commonly known--except in agricultural science--is that fungal mycotoxins, such as gliotoxin, suppress the normal function of our immune system. Therefore, it is not the sugar that is toxic to the immune system, but the fungal contaminant on the sugar.
Doug: The Cause.
When did you first become interested in taking on diabetes?
Dr. Dave: Within the past seven or eight years, when I began working with Doug. I saw amazing results in people with high blood sugar, high triglycerides, and numerous other conditions with "no known etiology." Their problems literally disappeared when they followed a diet recommended by Doug and when they began taking either natural or prescriptive antifungal remedies. I began to investigate the thousands of documents available in the agricultural literature that explained how fungi contaminate our grains, both out in the field and in the storage process. Since fungi each make between 1-3 mycotoxins, the mycotoxin presence and exposure to humans is inevitable once fungal contamination of the grains or foods takes place.
This is dangerous because of the problems these toxins can cause. For example, aflatoxin, made by the Aspergillus species of fungi, is the most carcinogenic substance on earth. It is estimated that we consume between 0.15 mg and 0.5 mg of aflatoxin on a daily basis. By the way, a lethal dose is only 10 to 20 mg. Some of these figures were documented in the Jan 2002 JAMA. There are hundreds of other fungal toxins that we don't screen our food supply for in America, although some of them, such as zearalenone, made by Fusarium molds, are most prevalent in the American food supply. Zearalenone can cause infertility, feminization of male animals, and miscarriages in those who consume grains contaminated with this mycotoxin.
Bottom line is that the documented, huge problem of mycotoxin exposure from our diet made me very interested in studying the link between these toxins and various, chronic, human diseases. If animals become sick when they eat mycotoxin-contaminated grains, wouldn't we suffer the same fate? Do we not eat the same grains?
Doug: I'll never forget the first patient that actually tracked her blood sugar while following an antifungal program. It was approximately 26 years ago, and she did not come into the clinic seeking lower blood sugar. Rather, she sought relief from her allergies. As we succeeded in eliminating the allergies, she simply could not believe that her blood glucose levels had stabilized while on the antifungal program. On my drive home that day, I began to realize the incredible science lesson I was learning!
Aside from reading your book, what other resources do you recommend for people fighting this illness?
Dr. Dave: A few references come to mind. One is obviously Dr. Joe Mercola’s book, The No-Grain Diet. As we learn about the fungal/mycotoxin problems associated with grains, it would behoove us to minimize most grains in our diet. Secondly, I like the Fungalbionics series of books by Dr. A.V. Costantini, et. al. Any Internet search engine (type in "fungalbionics") can take you to their books, in which they reference literally thousands of articles relating fungal mycotoxins to human illnesses. Lastly, I’d recommend the Bible. Those who wish to rid themselves of a chronic disease are in for a lot of work, and some spiritual guidance comes in handy when making such drastic changes.
Doug: Imagine the magnitude of this discovery! We would be absolutely greedy to accept this as our own. For those who still doubt a fungal component to disease, read the Old Testiment, Leviticus 14:33-54. In addition, the physicians involved with fungus research and discovery for the World Health Organization (WHO) have extensively documented the ability of fungi and their poisonous byproducts (mycotoxins) to cause disease. Their series of books is called Fungalbionics.
I believe this is the second volume in the Fungus Link Series. Could you describe the other book(s) in the series?
Dr. Dave: The original book is The Fungus Link. This book expounds on the role between fungi and various illnesses, such as arthritis, depression, women's health issues, allergies and asthma, intestinal disorders, and pain. The second book--or the first book in the Fungus Link Series--is one that Doug and Beverly Hunt, PhD spent six years putting together. It is called "The Germ that Causes Cancer." As you would guess, that germ is a fungus. In this book, they do a great job in supporting the hypothesis that fungi and their mycotoxins cause cancer. In addition, it reminds physicians and patients alike that, even in the year 2002, when it was published, fungal infections are still being confused for cancer.
For example, fungal infections can provoke the formation of calcifications in our body--the same calcifications as those seen on mammography when "breast cancer" is diagnosed. They can also cause aberrations in the blood cells that look exactly like leukemia. Indeed, some cases of "leukemia" have been cured by antifungal drugs that were directed at treating the so-called "secondary" fungal infections that so often plague people undergoing chemotherapy. The implications of these findings are truly astounding. All three of these books can be ordered via our Web site,
Doug: As we realize the impact of this discovery, volumes will be dedicated to assisting researchers and the lay public in understanding the cause of disease. Presently, there are three books addressing the cause.
Do you have plans to write another book?
Dr. Dave: Yes, we sure do. We intend to touch on the fungus link between obesity, infertility, and neurologic diseases, in separate, upcoming books. The next book, however, will be the Fungus Link, Vol. II, due out at the end of June. In this book, we discuss men's issues, autoimmune diseases, ear-nose-throat problems, antibiotics, endocrine (hormonal) issues, and hair loss, all as they relate to fungi and mycotoxins. In addition, you’ll read about antifungal medications and the issue of yeast versus molds. In the latter topic, we talk about how the yeast, Candida albicans, has received a lot of press in the past 20 years; however, although Candida is a true, emerging problem, we explain that the fields of agricultural science and medical mycology encompass much more than the study of just this one yeast.
Doug: Bababababy, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:38 PM
Green Tea -- Beats Avandia for Diabetes, and No Deadly Side Effects
A chemical found in green tea helped moderately diabetic mice tolerate sugar and produce insulin as well as GlaxoSmithKline Plc's Avandia pill did in a study.
Five-week-old moderately diabetic and severely diabetic mice were fed the compound, an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, or given Avandia. The rodents' blood sugar and insulin levels were studied after five and 10 weeks of treatment. The moderately diabetic mice fared as well on green tea extract as they did on Avandia, also known as rosiglitazone, the researchers reported. EGCG was not as effective in the severely diabetic group.The China Post September 21, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:36 PM
Here's How Cholesterol Damages Your Heart
Cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis -- a condition that greatly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke -- by suppressing the activity of a key protein that protects the heart and blood vessels, researchers at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine have found.
Their findings could lead to new therapies to treat or prevent heart disease -- the leading cause of death in the United States -- as well as answer key questions about other diseases associated with high cholesterol levels, including some types of cancer.
Science Daily September 21, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:34 PM
Another New Unnecessary Vaccine -- Who Loses?
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been granted EU approval of its adjuvanted cervical cancer vaccine Cervarix, and is confident that the jab can challenge the likes of Merck's high-profile Gardasil.The vaccine has been approved for the prevention of pre-cancerous cervical lesions and cervical cancer causally related to human papillomavirus (HPV) (types 16 and 18), and formulated with GSK's novel AS04 adjuvant system is said to offer broad, extended protection to women given the jab. September 25, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:33 PM
This Pain Medication Could Kill You!
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an alert Wednesday concerning the use of Fentora tablets to control cancer pain.
The FDA said it received reports of adverse effects, including death, linked to the use of Fentora (fentanyl buccal), a potent opioid pain medication used only for treatment of breakthrough pain in cancer patients receiving opioid treatment and who have become tolerant to it.
Science Daily September 26, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:31 PM
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Now Linked to a Common Stomach Virus?
New research published in the Journal of Clinical Pathology suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalitis (ME), is linked to a stomach virus.
More than 80 percent of the biopsy specimens from patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tested positive for enteroviral particles, compared to 20 percent of specimens from healthy people.
Enteroviruses infect your bowel, causing severe but short lasting respiratory and gut infections. There are more than 70 different types of enteroviruses, and they can spread to the central nervous system, heart, and muscles.
In a significant portion of patients, the initial infection had occurred years earlier, but they were still showing evidence of mild, long-term inflammation.
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Journal of Clinical Pathology September 14, 2007
Eurekalert September 13, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:28 PM
Are you Surprised! More Diabetes Drug Dangers...
Two more studies published in the prominent medical journal JAMA have raised questions about the safety of both Avandia and Actos, two popular diabetes medications.
Earlier this year, a combined analysis of more than 40 studies, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that Avandia, made by GlaxoSmithKline, doubled the risks of heart failure and raised the risks of heart attack by 42 percent.
This finding was corroborated by yet another combined analysis by researchers from Wake Forest University. This time they limited the analysis to four long-term studies. Their findings were almost identical, and Dr. Sonal Singh, co-author of the study, said the FDA should consider withdrawing Avandia from the market.
“If you use Avandia to treat patients with type 2 diabetes,” said Singh, “their chance of getting heart failure due to Avandia is one in 30, and their risk of having a heart attack is one in 220. All due to the drug.”
Additionally, a second study by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, found that Actos, a similar drug made by Takeda, actually lowered the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and death by about 20 percent but, like Avandia, also raised the risks of heart failure.
Journal of the American Medical Association September 12, 2007;298(10):1189-95
New England Journal of Medicine June 14, 2007; 356:2457-2471 (Free Full-Text Study)
New York Times September 12, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:26 PM
Preventing and Curing Type 2 Diabetes
Not only is type 2 diabetes completely preventable, but it is virtually curable for anyone who is willing to put in the hard time and work and recovering their insulin and leptin sensitivity.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:25 PM
Standard Prostate Cancer Treatment Only Makes it Worse
A popular prostate cancer treatment called androgen deprivation therapy may encourage prostate cancer cells to produce a protein that makes them more likely to spread throughout the body, a new study by Johns Hopkins researchers suggests.
Although the finding could eventually lead to changes in this standard treatment for a sometimes deadly disease, the Johns Hopkins researchers caution that their discovery is far too preliminary for prostate cancer patients or physicians to stop using it. The therapy is effective at slowing tumor growth, they emphasized.
Eurekalert October 1, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:21 PM
Experts Urge FDA to Ban Children's Over-the-Counter Cold Medicine
Safety experts for the Food and Drug Administration urged the agency on Friday to consider an outright ban on over-the-counter, multisymptom cough and cold medicines for children under 6.
The recommendation, in a 356-page safety review, is the strongest signal yet that the agency may take strong action against the roughly 800 popular medicines marketed in the United States under names like Toddler’s Dimetapp, Triaminic Infant and Little Colds.
New York Times September 28, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:19 PM
Superfoods That Stop Blindness
Lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients found in eggs, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables may protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most common cause of blindness among the elderly.The study involved 4,519 people aged 60 to 80 who were questioned about their dietary habits for a period of six years.Participants who ate the most foods containing lutein and zeaxanthin (those in the top fifth) had a 35 percent lower risk of developing AMD than those who ate the least (in the bottom fifth).
The nutrients may protect against the condition by helping your eyes to filter dangerous short-wavelength light, and warding off other potentially damaging effects to the center of your eye’s retina (the macula).Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow color in many fruits and vegetables. Over 1 million Americans, particularly those older than 65, have AMD.
Archives of Ophthalmology September 2007, Vol. 125 No. 9
Reuters September 10, 2007
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
10:09 PM