Only about 1,000 people die directly from the flu virus in the U.S each year. But the government claims 36,000 -- the remaining 35,000 deaths are caused by diseases like pneumonia that may follow the flu.
But there's no clear scientific connection between the flu and these more serious afflictions. That means most of the time a flu shot has little impact in actually preventing death.
Barbara Loe Fisher, head of the National Vaccine Information Center, says that the repeated references to 36,000 seems to be an attempt to scare people into getting the shot. Fisher has a new book on the safety issues with vaccines, "Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic."
Her concerns have led her to look at alternatives. One alternative favored by a number of physicians is vitamin D. Dr. John Cannell, Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, suggests the reason we even have a flu season is because our vitamin D levels drop, which takes place naturally as we get less and less sun with the approach of winter.
Cannell suggests babies get a 1,000 units of vitamin D a day, and those two and older get 2,000 units. Many adults and some children need more than that.
CBN November 4, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Does the Flu Shot Even Work?
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
12:23 PM
Low Potassium Causes High Blood Pressure
Low levels of potassium in the diet may be as important as high levels of sodium as a risk factor for high blood pressure, especially among African Americans.
A new study suggests that low potassium may be a particularly important contributor to high blood pressure, and also identifies a gene that may influence potassium's effects on blood pressure. Researchers analyzed data on approximately 3,300 subjects, about half of whom were African American. The results showed that the amount of potassium in urine samples was strongly related to blood pressure. The lower the potassium in the urine, and therefore in the diet, the higher the blood pressure.
The relationship between low potassium and high blood pressure remained significant even when other cardiovascular risk factors such as high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking were taken into account.
Eurekalert November 8, 2008
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
12:22 PM
Three Girls Died, Others Hospitalized, After HPV Vaccine
Amid controversy over state legislatures in the U.S. requiring young girls to take Gardasil, Merck's new vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), severe side effects are being reported.
1,637 adverse reactions have been reported by Judicial Watch, a public interest watchdog, including three girls who died shortly after receiving the immunization. Judicial Watch obtained the reports from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration using the Freedom of Information Act.
In Australia, 25 girls who had just received their first injection of the vaccine experienced headache, nausea, and dizziness. In some cases, the problems were so severe that they were hospitalized. Shares of the vaccine's Australian developer, CSL, fell after the incident was reported in the news.
British Medical Journal June 9, 2007;334:1182-1183
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
12:14 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Our Children!
This just blew me away!! How crazy are the people in this world becoming!!!!!
Poor Innocent Children
Why are Cholesterol Drugs Being Recommended for 8 Year Olds?
For the first time, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that some children as young as 8 should be given cholesterol-lowering drugs to ward off future heart problems.Dr. Stephen Daniels, who is on the academy's nutrition committee, says the new advice is based on mounting evidence that damage leading to heart disease, the nation's leading killer, begins early in life. The drug treatments would be targeted at kids at least 8 years old who have too much LDL, or "bad," cholesterol along with other risky factors, including obesity and high blood pressure.Cholesterol screening is also now being recommended for kids with a “family history” of high cholesterol and those who are overweight, obese or have other heart disease risk factors. Screening should take place after age 2 but no later than age 10, according to the AAP.
ABC News July 7, 2008
Pediatrics July 2008, Vol. 122 No. 1, pp. 198-208
I cannot believe no one is catching on to this yet. I mean does everyone not understand that 90% of the food we are consuming comes from a Laboratory or Machine! Wow!
We have created this problem, and it will not go away until people understand that the solutions to our problems have already been identified. We just need to stop!! Listen!! and do a little research!
It all comes down to what we put in our body! Simple!
And a simple word: MYCOTOXICOLOGY
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
12:21 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Do You Know What Plastic Recycling Symbols Mean?
Well Here you Go!
The Daily Green offers this handy guide on the various types of plastic:
Number 1 Plastics -- PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate)
Found In: Soft drinks, water and beer bottles; mouthwash bottles; peanut butter containers; salad dressing and vegetable oil containers; ovenable food trays.
Recycling: Pick up through most curbside recycling programs.
Recycled Into: Polar fleece, fiber, tote bags, furniture, carpet, paneling, straps, (occasionally) new containersIt poses low risk of leaching breakdown products. Recycling rates remain relatively low (around 20 percent), though the material is in high demand by remanufacturers.
Number 2 Plastics -- HDPE (high density polyethylene)
Found In: Milk jugs, juice bottles; bleach, detergent and household cleaner bottles; shampoo bottles; some trash and shopping bags; motor oil bottles; butter and yogurt tubs; cereal box liners
Recycling: Pick up through most curbside recycling programs, although some only allow those containers with necks.
Recycled Into: Laundry detergent bottles, oil bottles, pens, recycling containers, floor tile, drainage pipe, lumber, benches, doghouses, picnic tables, fencingHDPE carries low risk of leaching and is readily recyclable into many goods.
Number 3 Plastics -- V (Vinyl) or PVC
Found In: Window cleaner and detergent bottles, shampoo bottles, cooking oil bottles, clear food packaging, wire jacketing, medical equipment, siding, windows, piping
Recycling: Rarely recycled; accepted by some plastic lumber makers.
Recycled Into: Decks, paneling, mudflaps, roadway gutters, flooring, cables, speed bumps, matsPVC contains chlorine, so its manufacture can release highly dangerous dioxins. If you must cook with PVC, don't let the plastic touch food. Never burn PVC, because it releases toxins.
Number 4 Plastics -- LDPE (low density polyethylene)
Found In: Squeezable bottles; bread, frozen food, dry cleaning and shopping bags; tote bags; clothing; furniture; carpet
Recycling: LDPE is not often recycled through curbside programs, but some communities will accept it. Plastic shopping bags can be returned to many stores for recycling.
Recycled Into: Trash can liners and cans, compost bins, shipping envelopes, paneling, lumber, landscaping ties, floor tileHistorically, LDPE has not been accepted through most American curbside recycling programs, but more and more communities are starting to accept it.
Number 5 Plastics -- PP (polypropylene)
Found In: Some yogurt containers, syrup bottles, ketchup bottles, caps, straws, medicine bottles Recycling: Number 5 plastics can be recycled through some curbside programs.
Recycled Into: Signal lights, battery cables, brooms, brushes, auto battery cases, ice scrapers, landscape borders, bicycle racks, rakes, bins, pallets, traysPolypropylene has a high melting point, and so is often chosen for containers that must accept hot liquid. It is gradually becoming more accepted by recyclers.
Number 6 Plastics -- PS (polystyrene)
Found In: Disposable plates and cups, meat trays, egg cartons, carry-out containers, aspirin bottles, compact disc cases
Recycling: Number 6 plastics can be recycled through some curbside programs.
Recycled Into: Insulation, light switch plates, egg cartons, vents, rulers, foam packing, carry-out containersPolystyrene can be made into rigid or foam products -- in the latter case it is popularly known as the trademark Styrofoam. Evidence suggests polystyrene can leach potential toxins into foods. The material was long on environmentalists' hit lists for dispersing widely across the landscape, and for being notoriously difficult to recycle.
Number 7 Plastics -- Miscellaneous
Found In: Three- and five-gallon water bottles, 'bullet-proof' materials, sunglasses, DVDs, iPod and computer cases, signs and displays, certain food containers, nylon
Recycling: Number 7 plastics have traditionally not been recycled, though some curbside programs now take them.
Recycled Into: Plastic lumber, custom-made productsA wide variety of plastic resins that don't fit into the previous categories are lumped into number 7. A few are even made from plants (polyactide) and are compostable. Polycarbonate is number 7, and is the hard plastic that has parents worried these days, after studies have shown it can leach potential hormone disruptors.
The Daily Green March 31, 2008
Someone asked for a list of the potential Hormone Disruptor's in Plastics!
Here they are.
PFOA's: perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA. Studies have shown that PFOA causes cancer and other health problems in laboratory animals, and it is under scrutiny by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.
PBDE's: which cause reproductive problems
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDE, are a flame retardant sub-family of the brominated flame retardant group. They have been used in a wide array of household products, including fabrics, furniture, and electronics. Polybrominated diphenylethers represent a class of flame retardant chemicals akin to that of PCB’s in their functionality, however there much debate about the potential health affects surrounding this recently synthesized chemical. Polybrominated diphenylethers, abbreviated as PBDEs, operate as a specific group of flame retardant chemicals commonly utilized as constituents in building materials, electronics, furnishings, motor vehicles, plastics, polyurethane foams, and textiles. There are three main types, referred to as penta, octa and deca for the number of bromine atoms in the molecule. After studies in Sweden found substances related to PentaBDE accumulating in breast milk and other tissues, Sweden reduced the use of this substance. A follow-up study has in the meantime indicated declining levels
Phtalates: group of reproductive toxins.
Phthalate esters are the dialkyl or alkyl aryl esters of phthalic acid (also called 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, not be confused with the isomeric terephthalic or isophthalic acids ); the name phthalate derives from phthalic acid, which itself is derived from word "naphthalene". When added to plastics, phthalates allow the long polyvinyl molecules to slide against one another. The phthalates show low water solubility, high oil solubility, and low volatility. The polar carboxyl group contributes little to the physical properties of the phthalates, except when R and R' are very small (such as ethyl or methyl groups). They are colorless, odorless liquids produced by reacting phthalic anhydride with an appropriate alcohol (usually 6 to 13 carbon).
As of 2004, manufacturers produce about 363 thousand metric tonnes (800 million pounds or 400 000 short tons) of phthalates each year. They were first produced during the 1920s, and have been produced in large quantities since the 1950s, when PVC was introduced. The most widely-used phthalates are di-2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP). DEHP is the dominant plasticizer used in PVC, due to its low cost. Benzylbutylphthalate (BBzP) is used in the manufacture of foamed PVC, which is mostly used as a flooring material. Phthalates with small R and R' groups are used as solvents in perfumes and pesticides.
Phthalates are also frequently used in soft plastic fishing lures, soft plastic children’s toys, children’s products, nail polish, adhesives, caulk, paint pigments, and sex toys made of so-called "jelly rubber." Some vendors of jelly rubber sex toys advise covering them in condoms when used internally, due to the possible health risks. Other vendors do not carry jelly rubber sex toys, in favor of phthalate-free varieties.[1] The Dutch office of Greenpeace UK sought to encourage the European Union to ban sex toys that contained phthalates.[2]
Though controversial, phthalates are still being used in a variety of household applications (shower curtains, adhesives, perfume), modern pop-culture electronics and medical devices such as catheters. Notable recent examples include Apple Inc.'s iPhone and iPod, and personal computers. The company has been criticized by environmental supporters claiming that tests on a commercially-purchased iPhone returned "toxic" levels of the chemical, prompting public declarations for change due to its associated hazards.[3].
BPA: disrupts endocrine system by replicating the female hormone estrogen.
Bisphenol A, commonly abbreviated as BPA, is an organic compound with two phenol functional groups. It is a difunctional building block of several important polymers and polymer additives. With an annual production of approximately 3 million tonnes, it is an important monomer in the production of polycarbonate.
Suspected of being hazardous to humans since the 1930s, concerns about the use Bisphenol A in consumer products grabbed headlines in 2008 when several governments issued reports questioning its safety, and some retailers pulled products made from it off their shelves.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:45 AM
Shocking Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry
Big drug companies have been accused of putting profits above patients, spinning false PR campaigns and more. Here are some of the most shocking facts about the pharmaceutical industry.
The price of drugs is increasing faster than anything else a patient pays for: The prices of the most heavily prescribed drugs are routinely jacked up, sometimes several times a year. Some medications have a mark-up of 1,000 percent over the cost of their ingredients.
Your doctor may have an ulterior motive behind your prescription: Drug reps often give gifts to convince doctors to prescribe the medications that they represent. These drug reps usually have no medical or science education.
Pharmaceutical companies spend more on marketing than research: Almost twice as much!
Guilty of Medicare fraud: Pharmaceutical companies are being tried in federal courts as a result of their exploitation of Medicare. AstraZeneca had to pay more than $340 million in penalties for coaching doctors to cheat Medicare.
The combined wealth of the top 5 pharmaceutical companies outweigh GNP of sub-Saharan Africa: In fact, the combined worth of the world’s top five drug companies is twice the combined GNP of that entire region.
Americans pay more for prescription meds than anyone else in the world: $200 billion in 2002 alone.
"New" Drugs aren't really new: Two-thirds of “new” prescription drugs are identical to existing drugs or modified versions of them.
Drug companies are taking advantage of underdeveloped countries to perform clinical trials: In developing countries, government oversight is more lax.
For more shocking facts, click the link below.
Nursing Online Education Database March 27, 2008
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
11:41 AM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Grilled Butterflied Chicken Breasts with Pico de Gallo
Healthy Eating Recipe!
4 Chicken breasts
2 cups diced Roma tomatoes, seeds removed
½ cup finely chopped cilantro
4 green onions, chopped
2 tablespoons lime juice
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Finely grated zest of one lime
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to tast
2 teaspoons minced chipotle (from a can of chipotles in adobo sauce)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
With a very sharp knife, carefully cut each breast in half horizontally, starting on the thicker side of the piece of meat and stopping about ¼ inch from the other side. Lay the breasts open. The breasts should now be uniformly thin, about ¼ inch in thickness. This allows the chicken to be cooked very quickly and evenly.
Mix the minced chipotle pepper with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of the kosher salt and ¼ teaspoon of the pepper or to taste. Rub this mixture all over chicken breasts and allow to rest while you prepare the Pico de Gallo.
Heat a grill pan over medium high-heat.
In a medium bowl, combine the tomatoes, chopped cilantro, green onions, lime juice, 1 tablespoon of the oil and the lime zest. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Place chicken breasts on the hot grill pan, two at a time. Cook for approximately 5 minutes, turn and cook for approximately 2 minutes more, or till done. Set aside, keep warm, and cook remaining 2 breasts. Serve with Pico de Gallo.
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
1:28 PM
Drugs In Your Drinking Water
A vast array of drugs, including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones, have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans. Drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas.
The presence of so many prescription drugs, as well as over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen, is causing worries among scientists about long-term consequences to human health.
Water providers rarely disclose this information; the head of a group representing major California suppliers said the public "doesn't know how to interpret the information" and might be unduly alarmed.
Although researchers do not yet understand the exact risks that arise from decades of exposure to random pharmaceuticals, recent studies have found alarming effects on human cells and wildlife.
Yahoo News March 9, 2008
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
1:26 PM
Broccoli Boosts Aging Immune Systems
Study findings have shown that sulforaphane, a chemical in broccoli, switches on a set of antioxidant genes and enzymes in specific immune cells. This helps to combat the effects of molecules known as free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to disease.
Free radicals are a supercharged form of oxygen which can cause oxidative tissue damage -- for example, they can trigger the inflammation process that causes clogged arteries. Oxidative damage is thought to be one of the major causes of aging.
According to the study, the ability of sulforaphane to reinvigorate the immune system abilities of aged tissues could play an important role in reversing much of the negative impact of free radicals.
Science Daily March 10, 2008
Posted by
Jeremy Norman
1:24 PM