Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Do You Know the Dangerous Chemicals in Common Baby Products?

The Environmental Working Group is again sharing shocking news. After surveying 3,300 parents, comparing the baby products they use to lists of chemicals known to cause allergies, hormone disruption, damage to the nervous system, and cancer, the group found that children are exposed to 27 chemical ingredients on a daily basis that have never been assessed for safety.

Not by the industry, nor by the government. Dr. Rebecca Sutton, the environmental scientist who conducted the study, points out that:

2 bromo, 2 nitropropane, and 3-DIOL create allergies and skin irritations, and in certain products can break down to form new cancer causing agents

Desitin diaper cream contains sodium borate, which can collect in your child’s brain and liver, causing detrimental health effects

Sunscreen with oxybenzone can trigger allergies, and disrupts your delicate hormone system.

Surprisingly, 89 percent of products labeled “Recommended by doctor” are actually some of your worst offenders, containing what Dr. Sutton considers dangerous chemicals.

Manufacturers have responded with the following statement from the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association: "Companies utilize a complex, multi-tiered scientific approach to extensively evaluate the safety of individual ingredients and finished products. These processes can take many months to several years to complete and utilize the expertise of leading chemists, toxicologists, biologists, dermatologists and experts from other scientific disciplines and medical specialty areas."

Environmental Working Group October 31, 2007

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